The IEC logo with white text

What We Do

Our Approach

We bring together people with IDD and healthcare experts. Together, we make plans that create change.

The Challenge

It is very difficult for people with IDD to get high-quality healthcare that meets their specific needs and preferences. Compared to the general population, they are:

- More likely to have unmet healthcare needs
- More likely to receive lower-quality care
- Less likely to get preventive care services
- More likely to have mental health issues and chronic conditions like diabetes
- More likely to die from COVID-19, suicide, and childbirth complications

What We Do

IEC helps people with IDD and healthcare workers join forces. They work inside the system to change how healthcare providers learn, give care, and get paid.

Why This Is Creating Change

Focusing on the needs of people with IDD helps create better healthcare solutions for everyone. IEC's approach makes the healthcare system more flexible so it can meet each person's unique needs.

Our Programs

IEC's work has three main focuses. People with IDD are involved in every step of planning and doing the work.

Change how healthcare is TAUGHT: So all healthcare providers feel ready to give great care to people with IDD.

Change how healthcare is designed and DELIVERED: So that it puts people with IDD first.

Change how healthcare is PAID FOR: So doctors can give good care that meets all the needs of people with IDD.

Highlight ADVOCACY + POLICY: So that people with IDD are always the main focus in our work.

Combining Healthcare Know-How and Personal Drive

IEC can make real changes in healthcare for people with IDD.

IEC was started by healthcare workers who have loved ones with IDD. They know how hard it is to get help.

Our team also knows how the healthcare system works. This lets us bring many groups together, make plans that include everyone, and fight for a fair system.