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NASEM Workshop to Build a Better Healthcare System for People with IDD

This information is from a three-day workshop in 2021, called Exploring an Optimal Integrated Care System for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. It was hosted by The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM).

NASEM Workshop: December 2021

You can find the agenda for the whole workshop here. Information about the people who spoke and led workshops are here.

Day 1 Panels: Current Challenges

Speakers include: James Perrin, Edward Schor, Lisa Iezzoni, Nanfi Lubogo, Kara Ayers, Matt Holder, Susan Havercamp, Amy Hewitt, Mai Pham, Michael Monson, Ari Ne’eman, Cheryl Powell, Maura Sullivan.

Day 2 Panels: Current and Promising Interventions

Speakers include: Mai Pham, Elizabeth Mahar, Clarissa Kripke, Patricia Aguayo, Lauren Easton, Vijay Ravindran, Susan Thompson Hingle, Lisa Howley, Sarah Ailey, Mai Pham, Brede Eschliman, Sarah Scholle, Stephanie Rasmussen.

Day 3 Panels: Looking Forward/Blue Skies

Speakers include: Kara Ayers, Alicia Bazzano, John Kitzhaber, Sharon Lewis, Charlene Wong, Julia Bascom, Alyna Chien, Colleen Kidney, Joan Alker, Joshua Sharfstein, Sandra Schneider, Helen Burstin, Karrie Shogren, Andrés Gallegos, Rick Gilfillan, Mai Pham, Maulik Trivedi.

NASEM Workshop Day 1: Current Challenges - December 8, 2021

13 Videos

Panel 1: Elements and Competencies of an Integrated System of Care

Panel 2: Challenges in Workforce Strength and Preparedness

Spotlight Presentation: Operation House Call

Panel 3: Challenges in Financing and Payment

More Info

Welcome: James Perrin, professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School and workshop co-chair

Remarks: Kimberly Knackstedt, Director of Disability Policy for the Domestic Council at the White House (starts at 2:02)

NASEM Workshop Day 2: Current and Promising Interventions - December 10, 2021

12 Videos

Panel 4: Innovative Models of Care and Care Coordination

Spotlight Presentation

Panel 5: Innovations in Workforce Solutions: Role of General Health Care Providers.

Panel 6: Innovations in Financing and Payment

NASEM Workshop Day 3: Looking Forward/Blue Skies - December 14, 2021

17 Videos

Panel 7: A New Vision for Models of Care

Panel 8: Technical and Policy Opportunities in Financing and Payment

Panel 9: Scaling Workforce Solutions.

Spotlight Presentation

More Info

Opening Remarks by James Perrin, Harvard University.

We Put on This Workshop Because of Our Funders

A sponsor who did not want to be named paid for this workshop – a gift inspired by her grandson.

Each day was captured in real time by graphic recorder Renatta Algalarrondo. This example comes from the first panel on Day 1. Find the full graphic record here (Day #1, Day #2, Day #3) or with the video from that day (see links above.)

IEC also thanks the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health for helping to pay for this work.

White Papers

IEC pushed to have research done on a few topics that were part of the NASEM workshops:

This research is focusing on how healthcare is paid for through different types of payment.

Research Team: Aurerra Health; author, Brede Eschliman

Risk adjustment practices can help identify individuals with IDD as a distinct group and also allocate more resources to those service providers caring for people with IDD so that, ultimately, people with IDD receive the right services. This paper discusses the concept of risk adjustment for payment of healthcare and home- and community-based services (HCBS); current strategies for risk adjustment; why such practices may not work well when designing for payment for services for people with IDD; and potential ways to strengthen these practices.

Research Team: Alyna T. Chien, MD, MS of Harvard Medical School and Boston Children’s Hospital; and Colleen Kidney, PhD, of the Human Services Research Institute

Through stakeholder interviews and reviews of current literature and community experiences, this project will define the critical functions for coordinating clinical and home- and community-based services, and propose who should perform those functions to best support people with IDD.

Research Team: Health Management Associates

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